Best Ways To Plan An Office Year End Celebration
If you end up drawing the short stick at the office lottery for picking the person to organize the year end celebrations, then you are out of luck as you will need to do your regular duties and also do your office event planning as well. But it will not be the end of the world and it will also be an opportunity to show off your skills on managing many tasks at once and getting them done in time.
? Booking the place- inside office or getting out
If your employer does not mind the extra cost, or you are in charge of the budget for the event then think of going outside for the celebrations as it will allow you the chance to cut off the time spent on decorations and then the subsequent clean up the next day. Since it is an office event, it will end up right before the holidays start and you will have to designate some people to come and help you clean up the next day (and end up on their hate list).
? Getting the food – corporate catering or put luck
This is another place where you can cut costs and end up with more money to spend on the gifts for everyone. If you are going outside the office for the event, then chances are that you will either have to order the venue’s food or go for corporate catering in Brisbane CBD. But if you plan on having the event at the office then you can make it into a potluck and designate a great recipe for every person interested in making food. If you think you might end up with less food than you should have then you can always go for takeout.
? The assembly of gifts
The yearend celebrations are a great way to thank people, reward achievements and also do announcements. So additionally to the small gift for every employee, you will need to buy gifts for the great achievements, honorary mentions and other people who should receive gifts. The list will have to be confirmed by human resources, employer and/or a supervisor. If people are content with getting gift cards, then you are in luck as you can do a single drive and grab everything in one go.
Although it will seem like a hassle and the worst thing that could happen to you at the end of the year, it will also be a good opportunity to show off your skills and get experience with planning and managing events.