5 Year Analysis Of A2 Milk Stock Price

A2 Milk Company is currently going through its consolidation period. With double-figure sales growth every year from the last three years. The financial reports company also depicts 195 million profit after tax and 27 cents earning per share for shareholders. These figures draw a picture of the company’s consolidation and long term business perspective. Company is also investing in intellectual property and marketing to come with more exclusive products to increase their customer base and product range.
The stock price of A2 has also come a long way. If we go with analysis from the year 2015, the A2 milk Stock Price was $ 0.565 in April 2015. With passing time, there was always a gradual increase up to $ 0.9 per share till the start of Dec 2015. But the last days of the year 2015 have seen quite surge in A2 prices and the year exit price of A2 share was $ 1.705 per share. This is nearly 3 times of April’s price and which brought A2 share’s trading into the limelight.
In the year 2016, for the first nine months, share price floats in the range of $1.4 to $ 1.8 per share but again in the last quarter of 2016, the share prices soared. At the exit of the year 2016, the price of A2 milk share has crossed $ 2 per share and fixing at $ 2.03 per share. This can be said as the stable performance of share in the stock market because it helps short term investors to see the potential in A2 Milk Company. They can now invest in A2, for a period a year or two without risking their investment. After 2016, there has been a periodic increase in the share price of A2 because trading of their shares has increased.
As a result, we can see that the share price of A2 was $2.03 per share at the start of the year 2017. But at the beginning of the year 2018, the share price has surged to $ 6.97. There has been an increase in share price by more than 300%. The market capitalization of the company also increases and the return of investment for shareholders is also very high. This upward trend of the A2 share price is in the market from the last two years also.
The A2 stock price at the end of the year 2018 was $ 10.54 per share and with impressive results of FY 2018, shareholders were confident to see an increase in the share price. They were Right!!
In the last 6 months, the A2 stock price has increased up to $ 15.96 per share and now a slight decline they are holding a strong $ 13.85. But comparing it from the year 2016, there has been a staggering increase of 15 times in share value. So any shareholders who bought the shares in the year 2016, is now enjoying a 700% increase in their invested amount.